From Moose Hunter, Bob Strojwons
I would like to congratulate you on the making of the Moose Madness Series. The Moose Madness Series is worth every penny, and I have recommended the series to all my moose hunting friends.
I would like to congratulate you on the making of the Moose Madness Series. The Moose Madness Series is worth every penny, and I have recommended the series to all my moose hunting friends.
I looked for these videos; I wanted to be better at what I love to do. It proved to be a wise investment. The “Moose Madness” videos provide both new information for the veteran, and step by step guidance for the novice, and I highly recommend them to any veteran or novice alike.
I bought your Moose Madness Series this year, and the series was not only thoroughly enjoyable, but it fully prepared me for my ’07 moose hunt. I used what I learned to help take this great bull.
Alex: Thank you for the excellent video series you generated on moose hunting & calling. I am very confident in stating your video was a HUGE factor in the success of my hunt.
Received your video, and all I can say is…WOW! The information presented and level of detail on the topics covered was nothing short of incredible.
Hello Alex: This is my 50-inch bull I shot out of Vahalla Lake while hunting with Howey Bay Resort – It scored 175 2/8.
The Moose Madness Series was definitely a big help for me. Thank You
Alex Gouthro has done first-time moose hunters and old veterans alike a great service in putting his years of experience on film in his Moose Madness DVD series.
…And most entertaining of all, he backs it all up with incredible on-film responses from wild bull moose.
Thanks to Moose Madness series we were fully prepared and harvested our moose on day 12 of the hunt.
By the end of the week all of us were using ground blinds. Following Alex’s directions new calling techniques were being practiced and we were hunting areas and using hunt setups we hadn’t even considered before.
The Moose Madness Series is a great investment for any moose hunter — Old Dogs Can Learn New Tricks!
I thoroughly enjoyed your Moose Madness DVD series; you have some awesome video footage and I was very impressed with the in-depth research that went into the Series. You’ve covered all aspects of moose behaviour and the techniques needed to harvest one of these magnificent creatures.
I’m attaching a photo as proof of the power of using the cow calls and the passive calling techniques you cover.