From Photographer Robert Andersen

Littleton, NH

Hi Mate — Got my Moose Madness DVDs – THANKS!

1st and foremost – THANK YOU! Here is why….. Many others advertise giving instructional stuff but what you get is crap that teaches nothing and is just a sales pitch.

Your DVDs are instructional; they are GREAT! I am going to tell all my friends about them. I am just so happy to see someone actually teaching – I am a photographer, not a hunter, but you know there are a great many crazy photographers like me out there…..

I would still like to possibly talk about maybe a photo tour with you one day — As you well know getting a great photo of one of these big boys is harder than shooting one.

Attached is a sample photo! Enjoy…..

Robert Andersen

Footnote: Robert and his wife Mila are professional outdoor photographers and you can see samples of their work and reach them through their web site at