From Moose Hunter, Shawn Church

Shawn Church's One Antlered 2009 Bull
Shawn Church’s One Antlered 2009 Bull

Gravenhurst, Ontario

Hi Alex.

My wife purchased your Gouthro’s Moose Madness Series for me for Christmas last year. I have been trying to call moose for about the last 15 years with absolutely no success. This year, thanks to your video coaching, I called in a large bull moose on the very first day of hunting — just before the end of the day. He came stomping out of the bush grunting and looking for the lady. He was coming right to me but, as I was almost out of legal shooting time, I had to take him with a longer shot with my rifle. With more time I am positive he would have come in right to me. Unfortunately, he had recently lost a fight and was missing one antler but he is about 22-23 inches from the centre of the head to the outside of his one horn. I’ve attached a picture if you’re interested. Thanks for the great lessons.

Cheers! Shawn Church