Review By Dale Karch

Owner, 3Rivers Archery

Gouthro’s Moose Madness Series

6 Dale Karch_MooseFor most bowhunters a wilderness hunt for moose is the dream of a lifetime. When we think about moose hunting, wild scenes of rut-crazed bulls crashing through the brush looking for the intruder play in our minds. Just the thought of hunting these monarchs of the boreal forest can really get our blood pumping. Whether you’ve got 20 years of moose hunting under your belt or you’re planning your first moose hunt ever, the “Gouthro’s Moose Madness” Series On Moose Hunting & Calling” is a must have.

Let’s face it, moose hunting, even the do-it-yourself kind, is a considerable investment and the more you know about your quarry, especially how to call them in close, the better your chances of success.  The “Gouthro’s Moose Madness” Series On Moose Hunting & Calling”, six years in the making, is the most comprehensive DVD series on moose hunting and calling ever produced.  The set includes 4-DVD’s with over six hours of up close and personal moose action and calling instruction.  Primarily filmed in the wilds of Nova Scotia and Northwestern Ontario, with the remaining footage from other Canadian provinces and Alaska, the priceless footage of moose in their natural habitat calling and responding to calls is alone worth the cost of the series.   Add the insight and easy to follow calling and hunting instruction from Alex “Moose Man” Gouthro, and you’ve got a set of moose hunting DVD’s that have it all.  There’s no doubt, if you’re planning to head into the North Country in pursuit of the magnificent moose, you’ll be way ahead of the game if you’ve learned the techniques and tactics contained in “Gouthro’s Moose Madness” series on moose hunting and calling.

Dale Karch

Note:  Dale Karch is a well-known Indiana traditional bowhunter and owner of 3Rivers Archery, a top Indiana-based supplier of traditional archery equipment, and the  home of famous Tomahawk Bows and Woodsman Broadheads.